(If applicable) Install the BioStack

To use the BioStack with your washer/dispenser and LHC:

  1. ClosedConnect the BioStack to the computer.

    Follow installation instructions in the BioStack User Manual for installing it, i.e. setting it up to interface with your washer/dispenser.

If you have been operating the BioStack from a keypad-based (not touch screen) instrument: Change the instrument’s onboard BioStack setting to “Manual".

  1. Check the BioStack checkbox in the top center of the main view.
  2. Click the Port link below the checkbox. Select the BioStack's COM Port and test communication.
  1. Use the BioStack Utilities to align the BioStack's gripper with the instrument's plate carrier: Select Tools > BioStack Utilities and engage the Alignment Utility (as described in the BioStack User Manual.)