Login and Password Controls
For LHC Secure only.
Only an Administrator can access these controls.
Important: The default settings shipped with LHC Secure, and viewed here, comply with the FDA's 21 CFR Part 11 requirements for controls for identification codes and passwords.
- Lock user account after: Specify the number of successive failed login attempts a user may make before being locked out of LHC. This feature does not apply to Administrator accounts and only an Administrator can reinstate a locked out account. Valid entry range: 2-10. When this feature is unchecked, users login attempts are unlimited. Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 requires setting a limit for failed login attempts.
- Lock session after: Specify the number of minutes that an LHC session can be idle before it is locked and requires successful user login to reactivate. A session is considered idle when there is no keyboard or mouse activity and LHC is not controlling an instrument activity. Valid entry range: 1-999 minutes. Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 requires setting an idle-time limit.
- Minimum password length: Specify the minimum number of alphanumeric characters required for a valid password. Valid entry range: 2-10 characters.
- Password expiration: Specify the number of days a password can be used before users are required to change it. When users let their password expire without changing it, their accounts are locked out and only an Administrator can reinstate a locked out account. Valid entry range: 1-999 days. If this feature is unchecked passwords do not expire. Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 requires an expiration period.
- Advise user: If password expiration is set, specify the number of days before their password expires to alert users to change their password. Valid entry range: 1-30 days, but cannot exceed the number of days to Password Expiration.
- Password reuse: Specify the number of passwords the LHC will remember for each user's account to prevent a recently used password from being reused. Valid entry range: 2-20.