(FB) Record Created

Refer to your specific Workflow and process documentation for account-specific information.


The first step in adding front and back matter to ARTEMIS.


These procedures are for a "unique" workflow.

Full Description

Before you can add the front and back matter to the system, you need to create the record.

To create an FMBM record
  1. Click Production>Issues.
  2. Select your journal from the Issues list and click View. ARTEMIS displays the Issue Details screen.
  3. In the Front/Back Matter section, click Add.
  4. Type the Identifier, and choose a Type and add the Title.
  5. In the File Manager section, upload the files.
  6. In the Remarks section, add any instructions for processing using the To Vendor category.
  7. ARTEMIS closes this task and opens the (FB) Composition task with a status of AwaitingVendor.

Related Tasks:

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