ARTEMIS tutorials and training

Dartmouth Journal Services provides live and recorded tutorials, training, and other job aids. For more information or to request additional training, please contact Susan Clark.


Class information Length Details

An Introduction to ARTEMIS

  • Log in
  • Task types
  • Components
  • Task Detail Screen descriptions
  • Support
  • Navigation

20 min.

Required by users before other training begins; users will submit a form to verify they have completed the video.

Basic ARTEMIS Skills

  • Filtering and Searching
  • Edit vs View Mode
  • Assign, Unassign, and Reassign
  • Workflow Tasks: Create Issue Record, Create Article Record
  • Workflow Task: Initial Files to Vendor
  • Files stored by task
  • Renaming and Downloading Files

~ 2hrs.

Trainees will have to demonstrate mastery of these basics skills. The instructor will evaluate trainees' success.

Focus will be primarily Articles WF.

Advanced ARTEMIS Skills I

  • Workflow Tasks: FreeStyle QC, Files to Copy Editor
  • Workflow Task: Copyediting and Composition — 2 steps
  • Workflow Tasks: Comp QC, Send Proof
  • Reports — WIP and WIPLite

~2 hrs.

Focus on ArticleAn Article may be a review, editorial, and other component that makes up an Issue. WF.

Advanced ARTEMIS Skills II
  • Workflow Task: Comp QC — corrections needed
  • Resending files
  • Editing record details
~1.5 hrs. Focus on Article WF.

Advanced ARTEMIS Skills III

  • Ads
  • FMBM
  • Reports - Closing Memo

~4.5 hrs.

Focus on Issue WF

Advanced ARTEMIS Skills IV
  • Workflow Task: Issue Sequencing
~1.5 hrs Focus on Issue WF

Title-specific Training

Using your Production team's specific workflow , we'll work on those tasks that are outside of those previously taught (see above).

~3 hrs.

Focus on exceptions to the standard workflow and when and how to complete them.

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