Generic Reports

Reports Available

Closing Memo Report

This report generates the Closing Memo for an issue.

To create a Closing Memo report (Generic Reports)
  1. Click Closing Memo.
  2. Select the Job Number and click Submit Report to create a Closing Memo report.
  3. Click XLS to export your results to a spreadsheet. Note that you must submit a report to generate data before you can export the date to Microsoft Excel.
  4. Click Return to Dashboard to return to the Reports page.

Migrated data does not bring over issue sequencing data in issue sequencing order.

Closing Memo Sample

Work In Progress (WIP) Report

Use this report to see the work in progress.

If you include Closed as a Status(es), this report is designed to show all articles with created date and complete date for each task.
If you don’t include Closed as a Status(es), this report is designed to show all articles and where they have only open tasks in the workflow. The tasks are listed by columns from the first one open to the last one open for the articles.

To create a Work In Progress Report (Generic Reports and Scientific Societies Reporting Dashboard)
  1. Click Work In Progress.
  2. Working from the top of the parameters list, select the Customer, Title(s), Component Type(s), Issue(s), Task(s), and Status(es).
    Issues numbered 00000 instead of a volume-issue number combination are Unassigned.
  3. Click Submit Report to create the Work In Progress report.
  4. Click XLS to export your results to a spreadsheet. Note that you must submit a report to generate data before you can export the date to Microsoft Excel.

  5. Click Return to Dashboard to return to the Reports page.

Work In Progress Report

The statuses you select in the UI determine the tasks that you receive in the export.

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