You add remarks to ARTEMIS tasks to give special instructions or to alert a user or vendor to a situation. TNQ, PageExpress(PGX) Automates page layouts system that produces PDF proofs from the article XML. Automatic page composition. Sometimes referred to as Typefi, which is the software that performs the composition using InDesign. (TypefiThe product behind the PageExpress automatic composition system.), and ProofExpress(PFX) Online HTML proofing and editing system used by the author, PE and customer. Users can edit and accept or reject changes in the article XML using a web browser. send Remarks to ARTEMIS. You can stop ARTEMIS displaying these remarks by clicking Confirm. Read the remarks from TNQ and act on them, if necessary. You may ignore messages from PageExpress and ProofExpress.
If you are working with customer billing, use Additional Charges to add billing information. If you are working with author billing, use the Author Billing category in Remarks. For more information, see Additional Charges Section and Author Billing Remarks.
If Confirm is unavailable, either the remark has been confirmed or the message does not require confirmation.
More on Confirming Remarks
Any ARTEMIS use can confirm a remark. This happens regardless of which team member the remark was addressed to.
Any remarks added with Confirmation RequiredIf selected in Remarks, displays a popup when any team member opens the component task. It continues to display each time unless a team member clicks Confirm. checked will show as pop-ups for any user opening a task for that component.
Remarks also appear on some reports as follows:
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