You can work with four types of footnotes. Some of these commands don't insert the footnotes into the document body, but add the selected footnote types to a list you can choose from with the Insert Citation command.
You use this command to insert different types of footnotes, separate from the Affiliation, Correspondence, and Abbreviation types. These footnote types and where they appear in the article are:
Current Address in Title |
Deceased Author in Title |
Equal Contribution Footnote in Title |
Presented at in Footnotes |
Other in Footnotes |
Body in Footnotes |
Affiliations appear with the author names. You add an affiliation and then assign it to an author or authors.
Note: You can also add an affiliation while in the Edit Affiliations dialog box by clicking the Add Affiliations link at the bottom.
You can insert a correspondence footnote.
You can add abbreviations used throughout your article.
ArticleExpress doesn't automatically reorder abbreviations. The Production Editor will do this manually after reviewing your changes.
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