
Samples of my work

I’ve been creating technical documentation my enite career. I started working on print documentation but have transitioned to online documentation and documentation design and management.

Online Help

Article Express was an online production editing tool for scientific journals. Each journal had its requirements and features. Consequently, each Help system needed to be tailored to these needs. We used MadCap Flare and its conditional output at Sheridan to produce Help for multiple outputs. Click here for a link to the Help for Journal of Pediatrics draft.


Writing a Project Plan – Part of a training session I give on documentation planning.


I don’t have current samples from Jitterbit, but you can look at the Snowflake connector and Marketplace documentation. Although they may have been updated since I worked on them, you’ll get an idea of what I did there.


ESS Overview Enhanced Storage Solution Overview for a service from Anuvio/iDrive.

I also have more print samples available on a Dropbox share. Please contact me to see these.