Define a Protocol

Learn About the Protocol Steps

  1. Click the toolbar button or select File> New.

Save time by setting your preference for New Protocols.

  1. Select the Instrument, if necessary: click the link to make a selection.
  2. Change the Plate Type, if necessary: use the drop-down list of valid options.
  3. Enter a Protocol Name: this "on-board name" must correspond to the instrument's naming limitations, e.g. number of characters. ClosedMore...

    This name will identify the protocol when it is downloaded to the washer/dispenser. Most liquid handlers limit the protocol or "on-board" name to 16 alpha-numeric characters, including these symbols:

    - dash or hyphen

    / forward slash

    : colon

    _ underscore

    Spaces in the filename are prohibited. Use one of these symbols to separate words in the protocol name.

    • Microsoft's file-naming rules prohibit use of the slash and colon, as well as other so-called offending characters. The LHC will require a different name if these symbols are used in files you want to store on your host computer.
  4. Optionally, use the Protocol Version text field for useful information.
  5. Optionally, in the Protocol Comments box, enter a description of the routine, or plate handling instructions, or any other text you want to keep with this protocol. This text, along with the other text fields, will be included in a print out of the protocol.

The Protocol Comments text box allows you to paste content copied from another Windows application.

  1. Fill the BioStack checkbox, if applicable, to define steps for Using the BioStack to process plates. The action buttons for controlling the BioStack are enabled or disabled accordingly.
  2. Click the desired action button to add that step to the list of Protocol Steps. Define the step's parameters in the dialog that opens. You can modify them later, if needed.
  3. Continue adding steps, as needed, to define the protocol.
  4. Click to make sure the sequence of steps is acceptable. The LHC does not determine if the currently attached instrument can perform the steps until runtime, when it actually communicates with the instrument. You can create protocols for multiple various instruments without having them connected to the host computer. ClosedMore...

    Use Validate to make sure the protocol syntax is correct. The LHC assesses details like Loop start and end tags

  1. Click (or select File> Save) and give this new protocol a unique name.