The Power Tools Menu

The Production Editor uses the Power Tools commands to insert tags, edit elements, renumber equations, and reorder affiliations and abbreviations.

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Insert Tag

Use this command to tag elements within the article XML to facilitate online linking. Email addresses, database entries, glossaries, inline supplements, and supplemental data are examples.

To insert a tag
  1. Select text for tagging.
  2. Click the Power Tools menu>Insert Tag.
  3. Select the Tagging Type.
  4. Click Tag Item. You can choose one of these types:
    Tagging TypeValues
    Email addressNone
    Database link

    Select a database from the Database drop-down.

    Enter an Accession Number.

    Glossary link

    Type the Term.

    Select an Id from the Select Term ID drop-down.

    Simple inline-supplement

    Select a Mime Type, either application or video.

    Select a Mime Subtype.

    Type the File Name.

    Supplemental data linkNone

  5. When complete, click Tag Item. ArticleExpress displays the result in the Result Text box.

  1. If satisfied, click Apply or go back and edit your entries.

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Element Editor

Use this command to view and work with the complete XML received from the peer-review system.

The Element EditorA tool for Production Editors to view and edit the XML. works with the selected text, such as a paragraph. If your cursor is within an element, ArticleExpress selects the entire element and displays it in the Element Editor. For example, if the cursor is within the Abstract and you select the Element Editor command, ArticleExpress displays only the Abstract section's XML.

Note: If you aren't familiar with XML and the elements in your document, your edits can cause your document to fail validation.

Available Commands

The following commands are available:

Note: Text edits such as deletions or additions will be saved without color highlighting as seen with other edits.

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Renumber Equation

Use this command to renumber equations that are out of numeric order. For information on adding equations, see the Equations topic.

To renumber equations
  1. Click the Power Tools menu and then click Renumber Equations.

ArticleExpress may ask you to run File CleanupA process run by the Production Editor to prepare the edited article for downstream processing.. Click Process>File Cleanup and follow the prompts.

  1. In the Equation Renumbering dialog box, type the correct order next to each equation.
  2. Click Save. ArticleExpress alerts you about the effects of the changes.

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Reorder Affiliations

Use this command to reorder the affiliations that are out of order due to additions, deletions, or editing changes. For information on adding affiliations, see Affiliations in the Footnotes topic.

To reorder affiliations
  1. Click the Power Tools menu and then click Reorder Affiliations.

ArticleExpress may ask you to run File Cleanup. Click Process>File Cleanup and follow the prompts.

  1. In the Reorder Affiliations dialog box, drag the affiliations into the correct order.
  2. Click Save. ArticleExpress saves your changes and reorders the affiliations.

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Reorder Abbreviations

Use this command to reorder the abbreviations in alphabetic order. For information on adding abbreviations, see Abbreviations in the Footnotes topic.

To reorder abbreviations
  1. Click the Power Tools menu and then click Reorder Abbreviations.

ArticleExpress may ask you to run File Cleanup. Click Process>File Cleanup and follow the prompts.

  1. In the Reorder Abbreviations dialog box, drag the abbreviations into the correct order.
  2. Click Save. ArticleExpress saves your changes and reorders the abbreviations in the article.

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Remove Supplemental Data

Use this command to permanently remove all supplemental data from your article, if it exists. This is not marked as a change.

To remove supplemental data
  1. Click the Power Tools menu and then click Remove Supplemental Data. ArticleExpress displays a confirmation dialog box.
  2. Click OK to remove the data or click Cancel.

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