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Principles for user content

Always, always, ALWAYS start with user needs

Write in a way that suits the situation. Ask yourself the following: * Who am I writing for? * What do they need to know? * What are their constraints and environment? * How can I help?

Help people find the information they need quickly and easily. Guide them through the journey.

Make it simple for the user

  • Use plain language and simple sentences.
  • Be clear, not clever. This isn't fiction.
  • Write as if you're speaking to your mom or dad. Then change for your users' needs.
  • Write for the audience, not yourself.

Our end-users, customers, and all readers have complex experiences and backgrounds. Respect that.

Know the audience. I can't stress this enough! Talk to them. Don't ask what they want. Observe and give them what they need.

Build trust with your audience

  • Talk like a person, not an AI.
  • Don't sugar coat a problem. Tell the truth.
  • Use positive language and concrete, real world examples.
  • Start small and build big

Does your content works for users? Don't be afraid to rethink and rewrite.

Write a draft. Test on your users and readers. Examine their feedback. Refine. Make it better, test it out, gather feedback, and keep refining.