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Avoid Complex Words

Use shorter words that aren't ambiguous

Shorter words are often more accurate and less ambiguous. Writers sometimes use long, complex words. It's a way to put distance between themselves and the text. Some writers think the bigger the word, the more authoritative they sound. Unless certain words or phrases are required due to regulation or a corporate guide, use the shorter, simpler word or phrase.

Here is a sample list to get you started.


  • abort, kill, terminate (except in technical, programming documentation)
  • abundance: plenty
  • accelerate: speed up
  • accentuate: stress
  • accompany: go with
  • accomplish: carry out or do
  • accorded: given
  • accordingly: so
  • accrue: add
  • accurate: right or exact
  • acquiesce: agree
  • acquire: get or buy
  • additional: more or extra
  • address: discuss
  • addressees: you
  • adjacent to: next to
  • adjustment: change
  • admissible: allowed
  • advantageous: helpful
  • advise: tell
  • aggregate: total
  • aircraft: plane
  • alleviate: ease
  • allocate: assign or divide
  • alternatively: or
  • alternatives: choices or options
  • ameliorate: improve
  • amend: change
  • anticipate: expect
  • apparent: clear or plain
  • approximately: about
  • ascertain: discover or find out
  • assistance: help
  • attain: meet
  • attempt: try
  • authorize: allow


  • belated: late
  • bestow: give
  • cease: stop or end
  • collaborate: work together
  • collaborate: use working with
  • commence: begin
  • compensate: pay
  • component: part
  • comprise: form or include
  • concept: idea
  • concerning: about
  • confer: give or award
  • consequently: so
  • consolidate: merge
  • constitutes: forms
  • contains: has
  • convene: meet


  • demonstrate: show or prove
  • depart: leave
  • designate: choose
  • desire: want or wish
  • determine: decide or find
  • detrimental: bad or harmful
  • dialogue is used for conversations, dialog is the interface item, as in dialog box
  • disclose: share or tell
  • discontinue: stop
  • disseminate: send or give
  • eliminate: end
  • elucidate: explain
  • employ: use
  • enclosed: inside or included
  • encounter: meet
  • endeavor: try
  • enumerate: count
  • equitable: fair
  • equivalent: equal
  • exclusively: only
  • execute: use run or do instead
  • expedite: hurry
  • facilitate: ease
  • females: women
  • finalize: complete or finish
  • frequently: often


  • identical: same
  • in order to: use to
  • incorrect: wrong
  • indication: sign
  • initiate: start or begin
  • input: use type or enter or select
  • itemized: listed
  • jeopardize: risk
  • liaise: work with or partner with


  • maintain: keep or support
  • methodology: method
  • modify: change
  • monitor: check or watch
  • multiple: many
  • necessitate: cause
  • notify: tell
  • numerous: many
  • objective: aim or goal
  • obligate: bind or compel
  • optimum: best or most
  • permit: let
  • portion: part
  • possess: own
  • previous: earlier
  • previously: before
  • prioritize: rank
  • procure: buy
  • provide: give or offer
  • purchase: buy


  • relocate: move
  • simple or simply. Avoid these as something simple to a power user isn't so simple to a new user.
  • solicit: request
  • state-of-the-art: latest
  • subsequent: later or next
  • substantial: large
  • sufficient: enough
  • terminate: end
  • transmit: send
  • utilization: use
  • utilize: use