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DB Statuses

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Submission Table
SI # DB Status Description Resolution
1 WIP Whenever author submits a new article or recast off is done i.e., When he moves from welcome screen to the stage before confirmation screen This can be cross checked by 1) Search with the tracking number in 'Submission' table 2)  Get the corresponding id for the  tracking number 3) Search for the id in 'System log' table to know exactly where the author had stopped the process In case of Integrated version 1) Click on the 'external package', then search with the corresponding manuscript number 2) Get the respective 'submission id' for the manuscript and search in 'submission' table with the id to get the tracking number 3) Get the corresponding id for the  tracking number 4) Search for the id in 'System log' table to know exactly where the author had stopped the process
2 READY_TO_PROCESS When the author arrives at confrmation screen, then this status would be arrived only when 'current_status' in 'files' table is changed to COMPLETED , except for tables whose status would be CONVERT_TO_PDF POSITIVE SCENARIO OF SCHEDULERScheduler  runs every five minutes and picks up the files in submission table whose status are WAITING_FOR_FILES. If the current_status of all files  is COMPLETED in 'files' table then it will change the status from WAITING_FOR_FILES to READY_TO_PROCESS in submission table
3 WAITING_FOR_FILES When the author arrives at confrmation screen,but 'current_status' in 'files' table is other than COMPLETED for SI section  
4 ERROR_WHILE_PROCESSING NEGATIVE SCENARIO OF SCHEDULERScheduler  runs every five minutes and picks up the files in submission table whose status are WAITING_FOR_FILES, if the 'current_status' is ERROR_IN_CONVERSION in 'files' table then it will change the status from WAITING_FOR_FILES to ERROR_WHILE_PROCESSING in submission table 1.a)For Tables go to tracking number/html/tables 1.b) Click on the particular table 'tbl[n]' folder whose status is ERROR_IN_CONVERSION 1.c) Open the log file to know the exact error 2) For SI get the corresponding submission id, then search in log table from where you will get to know the error
5 CONVERT_TO_PDF Not used  
6 FETCHED_IN_CRON_PROCESS Scheduler will run for 5 minutes and picks up 5 file(FIFO) at a time from list of READY_TO_PROCESS and change the status to FETCHED_IN_CRON_PROCESS Code issue – Fix it and change the status to 'READY_TO_PROCESS'
7 BUILD_HTML The status would be BUILD_HTML when web tool build start.html, front.html, float.html, tables.html and end.html Code issue – Fix it and change the status to 'READY_TO_PROCESS'
8 ERROR_IN_BUILD_HTML If there is any error in step 7 Code Issue - Might be because of authentication
9 COMBINE_AND_STRUCTURE_HTML This status is displayed when start.html, front.html, float.html, tables.html and end.html is provided as input to structuring tool and processed to get an combined html Code issue – Fix it and change the status to 'READY_TO_PROCESS'
10 ERROR_IN_COMBINE_AND_STRUCTURE_HTML If there is any error in step 9 Code issue – Fix it and change the status to 'READY_TO_PROCESS'
11 GENERATE_PDF When combined html is provided as input to Pagination tool  and its output is final pdf Code issue – Fix it and change the status to 'READY_TO_PROCESS'
12 ERROR_IN_GENERATE_PDF If there is any error in step 11 Check in html folder, then  go to log file and find in the log file for '!', you will find the error message 2) Other option is checking in database, where you will be able to get the general information a) Search with the submission id  in log table
13 SEND_MAIL The status is SEND_MAIL before triggering to send mail. This has complete pdf which would be send to author Problem in mail server
14 COMPLETED Page count QC algorithm will check article pdf page count with its generated count, if it matches then it status would be displayed as COMPLETED  
15 PAGE_COUNT_QC_FAILED If there is any mismatch in page count,i.e., in case of failure of step 14  


Files Table
SI # DBStatus Description Resolution
1 WIP Whenever author submits a new file or modifies the existing file  
2 CONVERT_TO_PDF When the author clicks on continue button in submission screen 1) Manuscript – NA 2) Tables – If conversion of doc to html is successful 3) Figures – NA 4) SI (Images) – Before converting to PDF using command line, the status is changed from WIP to CONVERT_TO_PDF  
3 ERROR_IN_CONVERSION If there is any problem while converting to HTML and PDF 1) If an input file could not be converted to HTML/PDF then it could have been corrupted. We will have to request author to resubmit them. 2) If the input file is not be converted then detailed analysis of the input file has to be done to identify the cause.
4 CONVERT_TO_HTML For SI (doc/docx/xls/xlsx/ppt) – Before converting to PDF using word2any, the status is changed from WIP to CONVERT_TO_HTML  
5 COMPLETED On successful completion