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Using mySQL

Find list of files by submission id:

SELECT * FROM epageweb.files where submission_id = 1159;

Find submission id (in submission_id column) by trackingno (locator ID/coc#):

SELECT * FROM epageweb.submission where trackingno = 'coc5239a78eb0634';

Find a file by the file id (different than submission id. each file has its own id):

SELECT * FROM epageweb.files where id = '373540';

Change a file status:

UPDATE `epageweb`.`files` SET `current_status`='WIP' WHERE `id`='427553';

Search for files by submission id and change status of all files in the submission:

SELECT * FROM epageweb.files where submission_id = 60966;

Update epageweb.files set current_status='WIP' where submission_id=60966;

Delete file from additional info table (necessary in order to then delete from files table)

DELETE FROM epageweb.additional_info where file_id = 482721;

Delete file from files table

DELETE FROM epageweb.files where id = 482721;

Delete reference to fild id in external_files (recently receveived an error requiring this in order to delete from files table)

DELETE FROM epageweb.external_files where files_id = 745907;

To grab JSON code directly from database. Then scroll over to JSON code field:

select * from epageweb.external_package where ms_nm = '2015-20346'