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SI # Problem Troubleshooting Resolution
  a) File formats are correct.  Analysis steps:  What to check first?  Walk through the troubleshooting process in the DB.

Verify the following and act as specified in Resolution column.

1) If \body is retained in TeX file

2) If manuscript/table could not be converted to html.

3) If temp file is uploaded along with other input files

1) Provide enter mark before the \body tag in manuscript and ensure \body is in the right format. After modifying the manuscript, perform recast off.

2) Check whether input file is corrupted, if it is corrupted then request the author to modify it 3) Perform recast off by deleting the temp file and processing further

  b) How to tell what stage PDF generation stopped at?  What steps in going to the DB?

1) Log into ePAGE database - 2) Use the following credentials:

3) Select the database epageweb

4) Click on submision table

5) Search using ePAGE tracking number

6) Check the content of status field

7) Refer to DB_statuses worksheet to understand more about the status, troubleshooting and resolution steps.

  c) Stops in HTML creation:How to analyze? What steps to follow to narrow down problem and identify correction needed?

1) Status of the article would be WIP in submission table.

2) Status of individual file (manuscript/table) would be ERROR_IN_CONVERSION in files table

3) Refer to DB_statuses worksheet for more details on troubleshooting and resolution.

  d) Download Word file:    
  (1) Correction/fix made to the Word file.  How to save Word file with the change in DB?  (Without going through the standalone system.) NA Perform Recast off using the ePAGE tracking number and upload the corrected/modified Word file. During recast off, change the email id in Getting started screen to tech support persons email id. After recast off, change the email id back to authors email id.
   (2) Download and  modify a graphic file.  How to save graphic file with the change in DB?  (Without going through the standalone system.) NA Perform Recast off using the ePAGE tracking number and upload the corrected/modified graphic file. During recast off, change the email id in Getting started screen to tech support persons email id. After recast off, change the email id back to authors email id.
  e) How to restart/regenerate the processing of the PDF and generate the success email? NA Perform recast off as specified in points d (1) and (2). Email generation will happen automatically when recast off is done.
  (1) How to do this from the MySQL database?  (Without going through the standalone system.) NA Change the status in DB i.e., In submission table change the status of the submission to READY_TO_PROCESS
  How to process when the error occurs in submission screen "Problem in while processing the .emz and .wmz files" NA 1. Delete the files as mentioned in the below path url "[*.emz|wmz]. 2. After deleteing the files, perform recast-off.
  a) End Notes used and References are wrong size.  How to fix? End Notes are handled in the application. Reference are of wrong size "“ This happens when Reference section couldnt be identified by the application. Download the manuscript and verify whether the reference heading is in the following format - Reference and References (either Bold/Italic/Underline/Upper case/Lower case)

1) If the reference heading is not in the expected format then change it accordingly and regenerate PDF (Refer 1 e).

2) If the reference heading is still in the expected format then detailed analysis of the input file has to be performed to identify the root cause.

  b) Figure Legends section not recognized, but it does have Figure Legends heading and it is placed after References.  How to identify problem and fix? Detailed analysis of the input file has to be performed to identify the root cause.  
  c) Table column heads out of alignment in PDF.  How to fix in Word? Column span and row span has to be checked in input table file. If input has to be modified then do so as required.
3 Contact footnote getting displayed in the first page of the length estimate PDF Download the manuscript and check whether footnotes are linked to author names in the manuscript file. Perform recast off. During this process, delete the author footnotes from Authors field of Manuscript information screen.
4 Frontmatter text (article title, author names, affiliations etc) is getting repeated in the length estimate PDF

Check whether the body text is provided at the end of frontmatter i.e. at the beginning of the main article content in the manuscript file.

1) Verify if \body text is provided in the expected format (/body or \body) in manuscript. If it is not so, then frontmatter in the article would not get removed in PDF and also the frontmatter information filled in Manuscript information screen will get displayed in PDF resulting in content repetition.

2) If /bodytext is provided correctly but has content repetition in PDF. To be analyzed further.

Provide /body in manuscript and perform recast off.
5 Certain text is not displayed in the length estimate PDF

1) Check whether /body text is provided at the end of frontmatter i.e., at the beginning of the main article content in the manuscript file. This is required for the application to decide where the main content begins since it will strip-off the content before the /body text while generating the length estimate PDF. It will use the frontmatter content filled in Manuscript Information screen in length estimate PDF.

2) Check if the /body text is provided at the right place as specified above. Since those paragraphs (which are actually part of main article) present above /body would get removed in PDF

3) If you have provided the /body text correctly but content is missing in PDF.

Provide /body at the right place in manuscript and perform recast off.
6 Author receives a failure email saying that the system was unable to generate the PDF

1) Check the status of the article in DB. Refer DB_statuses worksheet.

2) Check the file that was last generated in files folder - HTML, combined HTML, TeX, article PDF, consolidated (stamped) PDF.

3) Check the XeLaTeX log file for any error messages (these start with !). Refer to XeLaTeX worksheet.

7 Author hasnt received success/failure email

1) Check if PDF is successfully generated and is available in[ePAGE_tracking_no]/output.

2) If PDF isnt available in the above path then refer to point 1.

1) Use to fill-in the ePAGE tracking number/eJP manuscript number, view the status of the submission and send email if required.
8 PDF isnt generated at all or PDF is not properly generated. Inputs are perfect. Status of individual files is Completed in DB and overall status of the submission is Error in generate PDF or Completed. Need to regenerate the PDF?

Step 1 : Get the entire article information from "external_package" table for the problematic manuscript number and build the html form and re-post it in ePage site (for integrated version).

Step 2 : After reposting the files, it will be processed in the Integrated Welcome Screen.

Step 3 : "Continue" button will be enabled in the Welcome Screen, after clicking "Continue" button it will moves to Submission Screen.

Step 4 : Login into DB and compare the "files" table with "external_files" table. Need to compare for discrepancy by comparing column "ID" in the "files" table with the column "files_id" in the "external_files" table in the DB.

Step 5: If any record not available in the "external_files" table need to remove in the files table, but before that we need to remove the records in the "external_files" table and also in the "additional info" table in the DB for that "file_id"  mapping in the "external _files" table.

Step 6: Change the current status as "WIP" for all the records  in the "files" table for the Submission ID for the manuscript.

Step 7 : Proceed by refreshing the submission screen.