Getting Started
Before you start...
ePAGE Tasks
What to do with Problematic Submissions?
Accessing Submitted Files
Viewing Article Information
Running Tests
Using FTP
Using mySQL
ePAGE Technical FAQ
DB Statuses
XeLaTeX Errors
Additional Troubleshooting Information
Work Session Element Mapping, 7A
I. Initial Author/files handoff from EJP to DJS (Form name: EJPTODJS)
II. DJS Update of EJP system (Form name: DJSTOEJP)
III. EJP Query of DJS COC for Status Check (Form name: EJPSTATUSCHECK)
All Files
ePAGE Tasks
What to do with Problematic Submissions?
Accessing Submitted Files
Viewing Article Information
Running Tests
Using FTP
Using mySQL
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ePAGE Tasks
Using FTP
Using FTP
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