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Reusable Ads

Currently, the Is Reusable option is not operational. Until it is, see FAQ entry Is an ad reusable in different issues of the same journal?

Reusable ads can be used in any issue. You can create them in the Title Record or in an unassigned issue record.

First, create the Ad Record in ARTEMIS.

  1. Click Production>Issues.
  2. Select your journal from the Issues list and click View. ARTEMIS displays the Issue Details screen.
  3. In the Ads section, click Add.
  4. Fill out the form. Select the Is Reusable check box.
  5. Fill out the Additional Information section.
    • If a new ad, choose CSF in the Supplied dropdown.
    • If TNQ has processed the ad, choose PU from the Supplied dropdown and enter the ad number on the Closing Memo to TNQ when you request print files.
  6. Type the page number and select Color or BW, and then click Save. ARTEMIS displays the Ad Details screen.

Make a note of the Ad ID.


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