High Level Overview


ARTEMIS (Article Routing, Tracking, Exchange, and Management Integration System) is a state-of-the-art browser-based workflow, production tracking, and content management system that replaces FileMaker Pro, eTP, and Dickens, giving you one system that integrates these three applications.

Who is going to use ARTEMIS

  • All DJS employees will use ARTEMIS directly or indirectly.
  • In the future there will be portals to allow limited access to ARTEMIS functions by our customers and vendors.

Why are we going to use ARTEMIS

  • ARTEMIS allows Publishing Services to use a single tool for production management, plus it streamlines processes associated with production.
  • ARTEMIS coordinates multiple aspects of our business operations in all departments, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing duplication, allowing all departments to access the same single source of data and files.

How will you interact with ARTEMIS?

Like FMPFileMaker Pro, ARTEMIS has a database to hold and manipulate data. Unlike FMP, ARTEMIS is task based, which means you use workflows composed of discrete tasks (for example, MS Prep, Post CE Review, and Send Proof). Instead of large screens full of data, ARTEMIS presents a list of tasks associated with specific articles, issues, ads and front and back matter. You choose which task to edit and work within a task screen. Because it is browser-based, you interact with ARTEMIS in a familiar web-like interface with standard navigation features.

ARTEMIS Concepts


The four components of ARTEMIS are Articles, Front Matter & Back Matter, Ads, and Issues. You view these component's data for these components in the component details screens and the task screens.

Workflows and Tasks

Defined sets of tasks for processing components make up workflows. There are workflows for each component and workflows for some subcomponents, such as covers. The ARTEMIS workflows are derived directly from the unique production workflows for each title.

workflow 1

Production workflow diagram sample

There are a variety of task types, such as Signal tasks, which send and receive eTP signals, and User tasks, which require direct user interaction. Once a task completes, the next task in the workflow opens automatically.

workflow 2

ARTEMIS workflow diagram and task types sample

Task List

On logging on to ARTEMIS, you automatically go to the Task List, also called the Inbox or Task Screen. The Task List shows the list of components and tasks associated with a group or user. You can navigate around the system both as an individual and as a member of a group. The Task List allows filtering so you can see tasks based on specific criteria such as an article or issue, an author or article type.

File Management

File management is a fundamental feature of ARTEMIS; you access files within ARTEMIS rather than from a production directory on the network.

There is a File Manager section within most task and component detail screens. Files are stored in a folder system based on the task or component that the file is associated with when uploaded. For instance, all the MS Prep files are in an MS Prep folder for that article.

File manager

File Manager

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